Defence of the client against an unjustified order to rebuild operations


ARROWS provided comprehensive legal services to a major client who faced an inspection challenge from the Regional Sanitary Station to reconstruct a production facility focused on the production of disinfectants.

The inspection body identified serious harmful effects on the health of employees, which would have led to the need for extensive investments that could have been liquidating for the client. The reconstruction would not only have required a large loan, but would also have meant the suspension of production and therefore the interruption of income, which posed an existential risk to the client.

The ARROWS team, led by Mgr. Jakub Oliva, LL.M., MSc., partner and specialist in labor law, successfully represented the client in all stages of this dispute. With his extensive experience in employment law and protecting employers from "mass" employment litigation, Jakub led a team of outstanding professionals.

This transaction also involved Mgr. Bc. Kryštof Pažourek specializing in private law and employment law. Kryštof provided legal assistance in the preparation of documentation and communication with controlling authorities.

Thanks to the precise work of the ARROWS team, the client managed to minimize the negative impact of the inspection and set up a long-term sustainable solution that ensured the protection of its operations and employees.

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