Read more Interview from Poland : Tomasz Kurpisz 16. 8. 2018 When I met Tomasz for the first time, he seemed like that type of professional who waits for the…
Read more Crypto Exchange Offices and Act on CE 31. 5. 2018 Currently, virtual currencies attract considerable attention of the general public. Many questions…
Read more ICO and KYC in Czech Legal Regulations 29. 5. 2018 Trading virtual currencies and related issuing of new virtual currencies (the so-called ICO –…
Read more How can I defend myself against the reduction or return of a subsidy? 21. 5. 2018 We very often handle legal services for clients in the area of subsidy cuts. Obtaining a subsidy is…
Read more What are the conditions for deleting a company from the Commercial Register? 6. 5. 2018 Liquidation of the company as a prerequisite for its subsequent deletion from the Commercial…