Jakub Dohnal is a founding member of our law firm and our entire consulting group. He is primarily involved in real estate development and advising on the complex setup of commercial projects.
Jakub taught the Civil Code at the Faculty of Law in Olomouc for several years, currently he teaches seminars of legal skills and he looks there for the best ones to become our new colleagues. As an attorney he is focused on commercial law, he tries to choose such approach which allows the client´s business to happen, but also to be protected for possible disputes.
He knows how to set complex procedures for the protection of companies, from the corporate matters, to public controls, or defence against fiscal evasion. He knows project management and I have a high expertise in change process and project management.

- Law Firm of the Year – Strongly recommended regional law firm in 2015 - 2020
- Global Law experts – recommended attorney for litigation 2015
- Lawyer of the Year – Talent of the Year – 3rd place 2009
- Czech Association for Motor Trades and Repairs – member of the board of directors
- National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education, field Law – evaluator
- Chamber of Commerce of Olomouc District – member of the board of directors
- Science and Technology Park in Olomouc – mentor
- Union of Czech Lawyers – member of the presidium
- Czech Bar Association
- Poland – The University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Law
- USA – Faculties of Law at Berkeley and in San Diego
What he also wrote about:
- Selected changes in consumer credit after the re-codification of private law in the Czech Republic, Silesian Journal of Legal Studies 2015
- Jak ohrozí § 1740 odst. 3 občanského zákoníku klasické pojetí obchodních objednávek? Bulletin advokacie 2015
- K právní úpravě škody způsobené vadou budovy či její údržbou dle občanského zákoníku, Právní rozhledy 2015
- K povinnosti náhrady škody způsobené zvířetem dle občanského zákoníku, Právní rozhledy 2015
- Náhrada majetkové a nemajetkové újmy v novém občanském zákoníku, kniha ANAG, 2016
- Náhrada majetkové a nemajetkové újmy v novém občanském zákoníku, kniha ANAG, 2015
- Obchodní smlouvy, kniha C.H.Beck, 2016