ARROWS shares know-how on AI: Training for the international network ETL Global


As part of its international presence, ARROWS, a member of the ETL Global Network, is proud to have delivered an exclusive training course on the innovative use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in law and tax firms.

Led by AI specialists Jakub Dohnal, ARROWS Managing Partner, and business analyst Stanislav Karas, this training represents an important step in sharing expertise across 10 countries within the ETL Global network. It is innovation and collaboration that are key to strengthening international ties and fostering mutual understanding and growth.

This was a training session focused on linking AI to the future of legal and tax advice, during which participants were given a unique opportunity to explore how AI is changing these very areas. 

Join us on a journey of discovering innovation and together let's explore how AI can transform and enrich the world of advice.



years of experience in the market