Jakub Oliva as an attorney with exclusive specialization in employment law, provides consultations and legal support in the field of employment law. He has undergone countless inspections by the Labour Inspectorate and has handled numerous negotiations with trade unions and court proceedings relating to labour law issues such as accidents at work, occupational diseases, severance pay, invalid terminations and immediate cancellations, disputes arising from collective agreements, discrimination and compensation.
Jakub also leads a team that has a rather unique specialisation in the Czech Republic, namely defending employers against "mass" disputes with employees. Jakub and his team have successfully represented employers sued by hundreds of employees in previous disputes, where the claims totaled tens of millions of crowns.

His clients are mainly commercial companies with tens, hundreds or thousands of employees, but also individual employees or trade unions. He regularly trains in employment law in the form of professional seminars for clients and the general public and is a co-founder of the HR Club in Olomouc.
In recent years, he has also worked closely with the educational portal SEDUO.
As he deals with employment law on a daily basis, he can provide consultations in areas that are not easy for ordinary lawyers with general practice, as they require very detailed knowledge of employment law issues and a lot of practical experience.
Last but not least, since 2020 he has been acting as a mediator for collective dispute resolution registered in the list maintained by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. It can thus provide qualified assistance in resolving collective disputes (disputes in the context of the conclusion and implementation of collective agreements) and help avoid a strike or lockout.
- Czech Bar Association - Member of the Controlling Board
- Czech Employment Lawyers Association, z.s. (CzELA)
- Mediator for collective dispute resolution registered in the list of mediators and arbitrators at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (link here)
- Association for the Development of Collective Bargaining and Labour Relations
- Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic - member of the Employment and Labour Section
- District Chamber of Commerce Olomouc, Prostějov, Přerov and Šumperk
- Union of Czech Lawyers
In labor law he deals most often with:
- inspections by the Labour Inspectorate and subsequent defence against fines imposed
- recovery of claims of employees who have been victims of bossing
- setting up long-term cooperation between entrepreneurs (prevention of the so-called "shvarcsystem")
- setting up contracts with suppliers of specific activities (prevention of disguised agency employment)
- the law on employment agencies, including the setting up of a comprehensive system of operation
- invalid terminations of employment and enforcement of related claims
contractual optimisation of the company's labour law operations
- work-related accidents and diseases (including professional soldiers and members of the Czech Police)
- the functioning of senior employees
- collective bargaining
- employment of foreigners
What he does next:
- drafting and reviewing all employment documentation (employment contracts, wage guidelines, work schedules, sanction regulations, codes of ethics, competition clauses, qualification agreements, confidentiality, company cars, business travel, etc.)
- work visas, employee cards, expulsion of foreigners and related issues
- recovery of monetary claims such as severance pay, redundancy pay, entitlement benefits, etc.
- appropriate setting and classification of employees in grades and steps
- unequal treatment, bossing and general workplace bullying
- setting up cooperation between agencies and users