Successful representation of a home for people with disabilities in a dispute over the rights of the person being cared for


ARROWS represented a home for persons with disabilities in a difficult court case before the District Court for Prague 4 concerning the rights of a person with limited legal capacity.

At issue was the client's desire to change guardians and the fight for the ward's fundamental rights, including the right to choose, the right to work and the right to live with dignity. After nearly three years, the Court of Appeals ruled in accordance with the right of the ward to choose a guardian who will treat her with trust and respect.

The case was led by JUDr. Pavel Staněk, MBA, and Mgr. Markéta Nečasová. Pavel Staněk, one of the founding partners of ARROWS, brought to the case his many years of experience in handling complex legal matters, particularly in the area of justice and legislation. Markéta Nečasová, an attorney with extensive experience in family and health law, contributed her focus on protecting the rights of vulnerable persons.

This case is an example of the excellent collaboration and expertise of our lawyers who have contributed to a fair decision and the protection of the rights of people whose voice is often overlooked.

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