

Our advisory group has many years of experience in the field of large-scale debt recovery. We provide comprehensive debt recovery services in accordance with the law.

For institutional creditors working with large volumes of receivables, we provide unique know-how in the field of bulk receivables management. We have all the facilities needed to take over the bulk data of cases and start the recovery process immediately.

(part of the ARROWS team in the photo)

In the course of the management of receivables portfolios, we provide ongoing reporting on the status, stage and collection of the portfolios handed over to us according to the client's wishes. We can flexibly adapt the method of data transmission, information parameters of the reports, their quantity and frequency to the client's requirements.

Taking into account the characteristics of the portfolio of receivables handed over to the client, we offer the most appropriate procedural strategy of recovery, with maximum emphasis on the economy of the process and minimization of a procedural risk. Thus, we set parameters with the client in advance, in particular regarding

  • verification of the debtor's financial situation
  • boundaries for out-of-court settlement of the case
  • setting up payment schedules, etc.
  • rules for ensuring the attendance at court hearings
  • contacting debtors during litigation
  • other legal options (insolvency petitions, public auctions)

In the case of sales of receivables, we provide due diligence of the sold receivables, including the assessment of the potential and risks of recovery, for both the selling and buying clients. Based on key indicators, we will provide the client with the valuation of the portfolio being sought or sold. 

At the stage of the actual court or other litigation proceedings, we are able to find the most time and cost-efficient and fastest solution for the client, using the extensive experience and knowledge of our specialized attorneys in the field of procedural law and knowledge of the courts' decision-making.

We represent clients before courts and administrative authorities throughout the Czech Republic using our nationwide network of cooperating attorneys. We also pursue claims abroad within the ARROWS legal network.
