

The labour law team of our law firm is well acclaimed for their deep knowledge and rich experience in the field. Our team of experts that specialize in labour law deliver truly qualified and niche advise to our clients in this particular area of law. We are able to provide swift consultation in matters that may be a challenge for a general lawyer.

We possess a lot of experience with lawsuits regarding invalid employment termination or dismissal, actions concerning wage claims, accidents at work or disputes arising from collective bargaining and finally during union negotiations. We háve experience in various successful labour inspections. We routinely represent our clients in labour law litigation. Our specialists in this matter are located in the cities of Prague, Hradec Kralove, Pardubice and Olomouc.

For Employees and Employers

Our legal services in the field of labour law extend to both employers and employees. We most often represent employees in cases of work accidents or wages owed. We also assist often injured employees in cases of invalid termination of employment.

We také care of our corporate clients from A to Z. We ensure that the standards of their employment are in full compliance with the law. This includes the preparation or revision of model contract documentation, i.e. individual contracts in the case of non-standard conditions. Great care should be taken from employers and employees in regards to negotiating so-called competition clauses in contracts, or similarly, in the protection of trade secrets and qualification agreements.

We clean, set up and train

We also provide legal advice in the preparation of internal regulations of the employer, wage guidelines, regulations in the field of health and safety. Clients consult us in respects to setting up remuneration and benefit systems as well as optimization of management and executive benefits.

We offer assistance in termination or alteration of an employment whether by agreement, unilaterally, termination or immediate termination. We recommend a particularly cautious approach to be taken when contracting freelances or setting up a cooperation with other entrepreneurs so that you avoid any allegation from labour law circumventing.

With our corporate clients, we often deal with the employment of foreigners, i.e. international employment. These are mainly situations where a foreign employer works for a Czech employer or a Czech employee works for him in another state. We cover situations when the foreigner is from the European Union but also if the foreigner comes from outside of the European Union.

Inevitably, over the many years of our practice, we have gained extensive experience in problematic legal matters of agreements with management and the concurrence of functions. The concurrence of functions is incorrectly set in almost every other corporation. We often encounter cases of very high-ranking managers in prestigious companies, whose contracts can be challenged as invalid. For these reasons and many others, we can only recommend that you let our experts to prepare such sensitive contractual documentation.

There are big enterprises employing over 500 employees among our clients. We also organize special trainings on actual problems from the area of labour law, or custom made trainings depending on individual needs.


We are experienced specialists in collective law. We provide our clients with legal assistance in the establishment of trade unions, but also in defence against purpose-built trade unions. We advise on the negotiation of collective agreements in setting up optimal legal relations between representatives of the employees’ team (especially trade unions and employee councils) and employers (or their associates). We also resolve collective disputes.

We also provide advice in the field of employment law. It is therefore mainly a question of advising companies on the obligations arising from this Act, which the state enforces after them and punishes their non-compliance with heavy fines.

We provide especially the following legal services in the area of the labour law:

  • Revision and optimisation of employment documentation (employment contracts, internal rules, salary guidelines, work and safety guidelines);
  • Drafting and revision of collective agreements;
  • Amendments and terminations of employment (by agreements, unilaterally, immediate termination), etc.;
  • Representation in front of the labour inspection authorities;
  • Representation of companies during negotiations with unions;
  • Representation in case of working incidents claims;
  • Complex legal advisory to the work agencies (establishment, setting up of the cooperation with customers, liability, insurance etc.);
  • Freelance contracting;
  • Setting up optimum systems for management remuneration and benefits;
  • Anti-competition clauses and business secret protection clauses, qualification agreements;
  • All kinds of labour law disputes (redundancy payments, invalid terminations, owed salary, discrimination).