JUDr. Zuzana Liškařová

JUDr. Zuzana Liškařová

Zuzana Liškařová is a senior lawyer at the International Centre and most often focuses on international legal cases.

She also specializes in advising start-ups, both in the start-up phase, during the gradual growth and involvement of investors, as well as during the final exit or entry into the stock market. Zuzana is part of the ARROWS DigiLab project.

She also focuses on commercial law, especially corporate law and mergers and acquisitions. She advises clients on the establishment, purchase or sale of companies, setting up relationships between shareholders and in connection with other corporate agenda related to the operation of the company.

She also specialises in contracts and litigation.

Zuzana is a successful graduate of the Masaryk University Faculty of Law and passed the rigorosum exam at the Charles University Faculty of Law. She also gained her experience by studying at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, where she had the opportunity to gain insight into the Anglo-American legal system.


  • international legal cases
  • complete legal advice for startups (company formation and internal setup, negotiation and preparation of contractual documentation with investors, etc.)
  • corporate agenda (advising on the purchase and sale of plants or shares in a company, arranging company conversions, setting up relations between shareholders, etc.)
  • drafting commercial terms and conditions, not only for e-shops
  • setting up contractual relations with consumers
  • drafting and reviewing commercial contracts
  • representation in pre-trial and subsequent civil court proceedings



  • Efektivní řešení právních věcí v zahraničí (ve spolupráci s epravo.cz).
  • SHA: Klíč k úspěšnému partnerství ve společnosti.
  • Připravte svůj startup na vstup investora.
  • Jak se investuje do startupů?
  • Novinky pro prodávající ve světle novely zákona o ochraně spotřebitele.